Out Of Chicago Live! 2022

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There was an earlier post about this conference if you remember but the time is approaching for this event and warrants a reminder. Out Of Chicago is a photography organization started by Chris Smith in 2011. Initially Chris included photographers he knew locally and this team would sponsor photo walks, presentations, photo trips, etc.

The original Out Of Chicago conference started in person in downtown Chicago and ran over the weekend. Other well known photographers were invited and the conference grew to a very successful event. One of the problems was it became a little pricey.

Then Covid hit! But the Out Of Chicago conference is now a virtual conference and will be held live, March 11-13. The awesome thing is the presentations will be recorded and can be viewed for up to 12 months (obviously if you registered). For $300 dollars there are many good presentations.

If interested, check it out: https://www.outofchicago.com/conference/live-2022/?mc_cid=4294aa63ca&mc_eid=c266045948