(Effective 10/16/2024)

CACCA is organized to promote photographic activities in the Chicago area and part of these activities is to conduct
competitions for both Clubs and Individuals. Rules are required for the orderly handling of these competitions so all who enter
will have the same opportunity to have their work fairly judged by impartial judges. Because of the very nature and magnitude
of entries to these competitions, it is very difficult for those in charge to determine if every entry conforms to every rule. Each
entrant should understand the rules so that they do not inadvertently violate them. The CACCA Board believes that the basic
fairness of CACCA members will guide them in the submission of their entries so they will not deliberately fall outside the
I CACCA Competitions
A. Categories and Divisions
B. Classes
II General Rules
A. Entries
Physical Requirements
B. Judging
C. Scoring
D. Honors
E. Permissive Use
III Supplemental Rules for Specific Divisions
A. Interclub Competitions
B. Individual Creative Digital
C. Individual Nature
D. Individual Photojournalism
E. Individual Portrait
F. Individual Special Category
Chairperson’s Procedures
This section identifies the various Categories, Divisions and Classes of competition currently being offered by
the CACCA organization.
The CACCA organization currently offers two categories of competition: Interclub and Individual.
Interclub competitions may be held monthly beginning in October and ending in May for a total of eight
competitions. The CACCA Board has the option to change the schedule in a season. Divisions include
Monochrome Digital Projected Images, Color Digital Projected Images, Small Color Prints, Large Color Prints,
Small Monochrome Prints, and Large Monochrome Prints.
CACCA shall also conduct various competitions for individual photographers, focusing on special subjects or
photographic techniques. Individual competitions shall be held throughout the competition year in accordance
with the published annual competition schedule. In any season, CACCA may add or drop competitions from
this group.
Unless CACCA sponsors a special event, such as an Annual Spring Salon, only photographers belonging to
CACCA member clubs are eligible to enter, while they and their friends are welcome to attend the competitions.
Currently Print Competitions shall be held following the delegate’s meetings.
Competition divisions may consist of a single class or may be divided into multiple classes of competition.
The lowest division will be Class B, then Class A, Class AA. In a division, no Club or Individual participant
may enter more than one class. At the beginning of each competition season, Clubs and Individuals entering a
division for the first time generally will enter the lowest Class. Other Clubs and Individuals will be placed
using the most recent one-year average of submitted images for Interclub Divisions and a two-year average,
when available, for Individual Divisions.
At the end of each competition season, when averages are available, the Records Chair shall propose to the
CACCA Board, for its consideration and approval, recommended placement of clubs and individuals. An
attempt shall be made to keep classes roughly equal in size. Consideration will be made for individuals and
clubs with limited number of entries.
Members of any Class shall not move out of that Class simply because they withdrew from participation for
one or more years or because they did not submit a full complement of entries for the current competition year.
An individual or club may elect to compete in a class that is one higher than the class into which they have
been placed. Participants in Individual divisions may request this move upwards simply by so indicating on
their entry form. Board approval is required if a club requests such a move. Individuals or clubs who are new
to a division will normally be placed in class B unless a request for a higher class has been made to the
Unless the Board decides otherwise, all new divisions will have only one Class the first year. Based upon the
number of participants and the scores in the first competition year, the Board may choose to divide the division
into multiple classes for following years.
This set of general rules, unless overridden in Section III, applies to all divisions of competition except as
All DPI entries will be submitted online thru the Competition Assistant website (https://www.411
vision.com/411ClientLogin.html) by the date specified on the current competition calendar. All print entries
must be submitted to the division chairperson no later than one-half hour before the start of the delegates’
meetings. Each CACCA Member Club may submit four entries each month in each Interclub division from
regular members of the club. An entrant holding current membership in more than one CACCA club may enter
his/her work from each club.
From each CACCA Member club in any monthly Interclub competition, only one entry per maker is permitted
in each division.
A maximum of four regular make-up entries is allowed per month. In Interclub Divisions, make-up entries are
considered part of the original month’s competition entries and not part of the month during which the make
up is submitted.
Judge’s make-up entries are entries that could not be submitted during the month when the photographer acted
as a judge in a particular competition. If the competition that was judged was an Interclub Competition, the
judge’s make up must be entered in the next competition in which that judge’s club participates. If the
competition is an Individual Competition, judge’s make-ups can be entered into the competitions prior to and/or
after the judging event. Judge’s make-ups may be split between Individual Competitions. Judge’s and regular
make-ups are eligible for honors.
Separate entry forms shall be submitted for make-ups with “Regular Make-up” or “Judge’s Make-up” and
the month being “Made-up” clearly marked on the entry form. In Interclub Divisions, care must be taken to
not submit a make-up from a maker who has already competed in the month marked. It is the delegate’s
responsibility to monitor compliance to such rules. Non-compliance may result in loss of points with no make
ups allowed.
With regard to all entries, the entrant must have exposed or created all elements of the final image. In order to
produce slides, negatives or computer-readable files others may do the processing. Only the entrant may have
done any modifications to the original images content. Others may do mounting, in all divisions. Copies of
paintings, drawings or other two-dimensional work, or of another photographer’s work by themselves are
ineligible. However, they may be included as a minor part of a composition of the entrant’s creation.
Same or similar photographs previously submitted by the entrant, from any of the clubs in which the
photographer belongs, and judged in the same division are ineligible. (The same image may be entered in other
divisions, including Individual.) Similar is defined as almost identical in subject, composition, props, lighting
or technique so that a reasonable person viewing the entries together would decide that the entrant is attempting
to duplicate the previous entry except for minor changes. The intent of the rule is to encourage submission of
new photographs.
Computer imaging techniques may be used in all print and digital projection divisions. See specific rules for
Nature and Photojournalism entries for restrictions on the amount of enhancement and/or alteration permitted.
Any element that was not generated by the maker, such as clip art, skies, textures, drawings, stock or internet
photographs or any element that is created by another person cannot be used in the image. (Hence, computer
generated AI is not allowed.) Elements that are added due to algorithms (i.e., computer generated), such as star
bursts, are allowed. Programs that replace elements, provided such replacements are allowed in the
competition, may be used so long as the new element is the makers.
Once a color image has won a Best of Show or Best of Year in interclub competition, it is no longer eligible for
any further entry into any Interclub Color Competition, and if a mono image wins the same distinction, it
similarly cannot be used again in any Interclub Mono Competition.
See also Section III- Supplemental Rules for Specific Divisions.
Digital Projected Images: All digital images must be no larger than 1920 pixels wide, nor more than 1080
pixels tall. Computer file type is jpeg only. File names must follow requirements set forth in each competition
year. Image titles can be no longer than 35 characters, including spaces. Further information can be found at
the DPI section of the CACCA web site (https://caccaphoto.org/main.php).
Prints: Prints must be mounted. The title, maker’s name and club affiliation must appear legibly on the back
of the mount in the upper left-hand corner. Mounts with a black or dark back should have this information on
a white or light-colored label attached to the back. The appropriate CACCA print entry label (Interclub or
Individual) must be correctly filled out and applied to the lower right-hand corner. An appropriate entry form
(Interclub or Individual) is also to be filled in both top and bottom for each division with all entries listed in
appropriate order. Please use the web-based competition assistant, log in, and use the print label module found
in the interclub print competition area. (start at: https://411-vision.com/411ClientLogin.html )
“Small Print” areas shall not exceed 11 by 14 inches. All “Small Prints” are to be mounted on an 11 by 14 inch
mount board.
“Large Print” area shall not exceed 16 by 20 inches. All “Large Prints” are to be mounted on a 16 by 20 inch
mount board.
Prints cannot extend beyond the edge of the mount.
An image is considered to be Monochrome only if it gives the impression of having no color (i.e. contains
only shades of gray which can include pure black and pure white) OR it gives the impression of being a
grayscale image that has been toned in one color across the entire image (For example by Sepia, etc.) A
grayscale or multi-colored image modified or giving the impression of having been modified by partial
toning, multi toning or by the inclusion of spot coloring does not meet the definition of monochrome and shall
be classified as a Color work.
All print entries will be available for pick-up immediately after the completion of the competition. Care will
be exercised with all entries but the division Chairpersons or CACCA is not responsible for loss or damage
during transit, judging or exhibition. Jpegs of the winning print images will be submitted to the person in charge
of these records on the CACCA web page.
Club delegates and entrants are requested to refrain from picking up or asking for their entries from monthly
competitions until the Chairperson has had an opportunity to sort all entries and prepare them for safe return.
The following challenge procedures have been adopted to help assure fair competition and to inform people
who inadvertently submit ineligible entries, or where normal procedures have been omitted:
If under circumstances not detected until after the competition is run, a club’s images are placed in the incorrect
class (where multiple classes are used) and judged and scored there, the results should just be transferred to the
correct class. If any image in such a situation should happen to receive honors, the honors will be transferred
with the image’s score.
For extra images entered that should not have been included (e.g. exceeds the allowed limit), the last image
entered will be eliminated, regardless of score or if an honor had been awarded.
The Chairperson, a judge or any attending member of a CACCA Club may make challenges to any entry either
before the judging process, or after it is judged. All such challenges must be made to the Chairperson, who will
try to resolve the eligibility issue during that competition if possible. If, during the competition the Chairperson
concludes that an entry is ineligible for any reason other than violations of the same/similar rule (see
“Eligibility”), that entry will be pulled and returned to the maker with an explanation of the reason. In all cases,
images should be scored on the merit of the image first before disqualification, and judges should be reminded
to judge accordingly. The maker may submit a make-up entry at the next competition. The entrant whose entry
is ruled ineligible also may file an appeal in writing to the Chairperson not later than 60 days from the date of
the challenge.
If the Chairperson is not able to resolve an eligibility challenge at the competition where the challenge was
made, scoring and judging will be allowed to continue. The Chairperson will then later refer the matter to the
CACCA Board for resolution. When the Chairperson is prepared to present a challenge, he or she shall notify
the president in advance of the next CACCA Board meeting that a ruling on a challenge or appeal will be
requested. The Board may decide to revoke any honors given an ineligible entry. The Board also may decide
on remedies appropriate to the circumstances for entries removed from a competition and subsequently found
on appeal to be eligible. At the last competition of the season, a special committee consisting of the Coordinator
of Competitions, the President, and one other director, if available, as appointed by the President, shall be
empowered to immediately resolve any challenge for that day.
If the challenge is made under the “same or similar” rule (see “Eligibility” and III-Supplemental Rules for
Specific Divisions), the maker will be requested to promptly furnish to the Chairperson the previous entries
challenged as “same or similar” and supplemental rules. Failure by the maker to furnish the previous entries
will cause the club/entrant to forfeit the points given the challenged entry. An entry that is found, after
presentation before the Board, to have violated the “same/similar” rule, will be eliminated, and the club/entrant
can replace and makeup the image in a subsequent competition for that season. If any entry is successfully
challenged for any reason regarding eligibility in the final month of competition, the club/entrant will
automatically have the score reduced to 18 (or remain at the original score, whichever is the lowest). This rule
applies to both club and individual competitions.
A subsequent proven violation by the same club/entrant in the same season will cause forfeiture of points with
no make-up allowed
Room lights will be off during the judging of all competitions. The judges shall not preview entries.
Prints shall be displayed individually for scoring in a print box conforming to PSA standards. Judges shall view
prints at a distance of approximately 5 feet. For digital projected images, the viewing distance will be 2- 2.5
times the width of the projected image. If possible, all judges used for CACCA competitions shall be selected
from within CACCA membership.
Chairpersons shall arrange for three qualified judges for each competition and will make an energetic effort to
prevent using judges from the same club more than once during the current competition year. At any
competition, no two judges may be from the same club and, for these purposes, any judge who is a regular
member of more than one club will be considered as a member of each club. The chairperson of a competition
cannot be a judge.
No judge may have their work in the competition they are judging. If a judge’s interclub entry has been removed
from competition resulting in a less than full complement of entries, that entry must be entered in the
subsequent competition and shall be eligible for honors. (See Make-ups.)
Entries are first scored on a point basis of from 4 to 9 by each judge, giving a maximum score of 27 for any
entry. The scores earned by a club or individual for a competition are added to obtain the total score for the
competition. The monthly scores are totaled for the year to obtain the final standings in each division, based
on completion in that competition.
At each competition held by CACCA, in each class of each division, a minimum of 20% of the images will
be selected for honors, and approximately half will be awards, and the remaining will be awarded honorable
mentions. (See “Chairperson’s Procedures” for more details in the procedures for determining honors).
Certificates or ribbons will be presented to the recipients of these honors. Judging for all honors will be by
the Standard “IN” and “OUT” voting method. This vote will yield 4 categories ranging from “three IN” to
“zero IN.” The required number of winners will be chosen from these categories starting with the highest
category and going down to include as many categories as are needed. If the lowest of these needed
categories must be split, only that category will be re-judged.
Also, at each of these competitions, in each division, an Entry of the Month will be chosen from the awards in
all classes, judged together. Unlike judging for honors, a “three IN” and “two IN” are considered equal in the
process of elimination. (Only “one IN” or “zero IN” are dropped from consideration.) A certificate and a medal
will be presented to the maker of the Entry of the Month.
Immediately after the last monthly competition, each division Chairperson shall arrange a special judging to
select the Best of the Year entry. All awards and images that scored 24 points or more are eligible and shall be
judged together. This judging will be by “in” and “out” voting, the same as the Entry of the Month. It is the
makers’ responsibility to submit eligible entries to the division Chairpersons.
The final cumulative scores for all clubs and individuals at the end of the competition year will determine the
trophy/plaque/certificate winners. First, second and third place shall be awarded to the clubs with the highest
scores in each class in each division. For Individual competitions, the number of trophies/plaques/certificates
awarded is based on the number of completions in a category. If 6 or more complete in a category, 3 honors
will be given. If 4 or 5 complete, 2 honors will be given, and if less than 4 complete, only 1 honor will be
given. Clubs or individuals failing to submit the total required number of entries for the year shall not receive
a trophy/plaque/certificate. For Clubs the total required number of entries is 32. For individuals, the total
required number of entries is 12. In case of ties, duplicate trophies/plaques/certificates will be presented.
By virtue of submitting an entry in any CACCA competition, the entrant certifies the work as his/her own and
permits CACCA to reproduce all or part of the entered material free of charge for publication and/or display
in media related to promoting and publicizing CACCA. This may include, but is not limited to, low
resolution posting on a website, publication in the Year End Catalog, CACCA newsletter and/or inclusion in a
DVD intended for CACCA clubs to use as they review winning images. CACCA assumes no liability for any
misuse of copyright.
In addition to the general rules found in II, the following contains supplemental rules that are in effect for the
identified divisions.
Eight competitions may be held each competition year on a monthly basis beginning in October and ending
in May. (Print competitions may be held less often, but the equivalent amount of Best of Show will still be
awarded.) Each club may submit up to four (4) entries from (4) different makers per month. Currently DPI
has online competitions every month on the 3rd Saturday of the month and Print competitions are held in
person 4 times during the year and they consist of two combined monthly competitions on the 2nd Saturday
of the month. A full complement of entries for the year is thirty-two (32). The Interclub divisions are:

  • Small Monochrome Prints
  • Small Color Prints
  • Large Monochrome Prints
  • Large Color Prints
  • Digital Projected Images (Monochrome)
  • Digital Projected Images (Color)
    Each club, at its own discretion, may enter one or two sub-clubs into CACCA interclub competitions. The
    membership in each sub-club must be compromised exclusively of club members and a club member can only
    have images submitted in either one sub-club or the parent club. Clubs that decide to have additional sub clubs
    must set the competition list at the beginning of the season. For print interclub, small prints and large print sub
    clubs can be set differently from each other and DPI. If a club does not have enough printers, they can choose
    to have only one club in one or more of the print divisions so they can submit a full complement of images that
    year. This must be set up at the beginning of the year and not change during the season.
    These images can be up to 1920 pixels wide and 1080 pixels tall.
  • INDIVIDUAL CREATIVE DIGITAL (or Artistically Rendered Images)
    CACCA will conduct three Individual Creative competitions during the year as digitally projected
    images. Entries may exhibit a departure from realism by creativity of subject matter and/or
    photographic manipulation. Entries that are “straight” photographs with no evidence of creativity or
    departure from realistic presentation are ineligible. This category is also about photographic images
    that show uniqueness and originality not normally seen in most images. An image can be modified to
    appear altered in an unusual way, but an image that may appear realistic qualifies if a high level of
    imagination and originality are evident. Any and all techniques used to alter the image, such as
    derivations, sandwiches, montages, multiple images; diffusion, solarization, etc. can be used, if desired.
    The best combination of imagination and execution is the intent. Completely computer-generated
    images are not permitted. See Eligibility section.
    CACCA will conduct three Individual Nature competitions during the year.
    Photographs entered into Nature Divisions may depict observations from any branch of natural history,
    except anthropology and archaeology, and must do so in a fashion that a well-informed person will be
    able to identify the subject matter and to certify to its honest presentation. Any view may be used,
    including micro and macro photographs.
    The story-telling value of the photograph should be considered along with its pictorial quality.
    Obviously recognizably man-made elements shall not be present except in the rare instances where they
    enhance the story (e.g., where wildlife adopts a man-made location. Even in these cases the manmade
    element should be the minor part of the image.). Scientific wildlife banding, scientific tags and radio
    collars are allowed. Tethering of animals is allowed, but tethering devices may not be seen in the image.
    No techniques that add or relocate pictorial elements are permitted. Techniques that enhance the
    presentation of the photograph without changing the nature story are permitted including HDR, focus
    stacking and dodging/burning. Techniques that remove elements added by the camera, such as dust
    spots, digital noise, and film scratches, are allowed. Pictorial elements can be removed only if they
    comprise less than 5% of the original image and they are replaced with pictorial elements immediately
    adjacent to the element removed. For example, you can replace a bright stick with the sky immediately
    adjacent to the stick. You cannot introduce a new sky or any other pictorial elements that are not already
    in the picture to replace the bright stick. The original nature story must remain unchanged while the
    goal is the improve the pictorial quality by removing distracting elements similar to “gardening” in the
    field. All allowed post processing adjustments must appear natural. The key is “natural.”
    If an image is disqualified and the maker feels the image should be reinstated, the maker will be expected
    to supply the original file to determine if competition rules were violated.
    Flash is allowed and can darken a background, but a completely black background created in post
    processing is not natural. A heavy vignette that gives a noticeable black or dark ring around the image
    is not natural and not allowed. Replacing the sky or background, blurring the background, or adding
    textures to your image is not natural and not allowed. You can have an out of focus background by using
    a shallow depth of field when the image is taken, but you should not do this in post processing.
    Color images can be converted to grey-scale (black and white) monochrome only. Partial conversion,
    any single-color toning and infrared images, either direct-captures or derivations, are not allowed.
    Images entered in Nature sections meeting the Nature Photography Definition above can have
    landscapes, geologic formations, weather phenomena, and extant organisms as the primary subject
    matter. This includes images taken with the subjects in controlled conditions, such as zoos, game farms,
    botanical gardens, aquariums and any enclosure where the subjects are totally dependent on man for
    food. Ineligible are photographs of artificially produced hybrid plants (e.g. garden flowers. If you cannot
    find the flower in Peterson’s Field Guide to Wildflowers or similar online wildflower references, then it
    is not allowed in the image.) nor domesticated animals, mounted specimens, obviously set arrangements,
    derivations or any form of photographic manipulation that creates a false or misleading impression of
    the natural history subject. No feral animal is allowed, which by definition is a domesticated animal
    that is living in the wild, this would include “wild” horses and other similar.
    A maximum of four images (monochrome or color) may be entered in each nature competition.
    Sequences of more than one image presented as one frame will be considered as one entry.
    If the competition has more than one class (class A and B), the following criteria will be used to establish
    a maker’s class positioning for the competition season:
  • Any photographer who achieves Tops in that category shall compete in the highest class.
  • A two-year competition score average will be used to determine the class placement each
    season. If only one season of data is available, then that average will be used.
  • New competitors will be placed in Class B, unless they elect to compete in A. Previous
    competitors can always elect to move up in to the next class before the beginning of the next season.
    CACCA shall conduct three Individual Photojournalism competitions during the year. A maximum of
    four images may be entered in each competition.
    Entries in the Photojournalism Divisions must depict man and his environment. These will generally
    consist of story-telling pictures or sequences as seen in news media and periodicals, including human
    interest, spot news, documentary, and humor. Contrived situations or photographic manipulations that
    alter the truth are not allowed. The picture must be candid and not posed by or for the photographer.
    The image cannot be the result of influence by the photographer. The journalistic value of the
    photograph shall be weighed along with the pictorial quality.
    CACCA will conduct three Individual Portrait competitions during the year. A maximum of four
    images may be entered in each competition.
    Photographs entered into the Portrait Division may only be living Humans or domestic animals. The
    Human(s) or domestic animals shall be the main subject and shall dominate the picture.
    The chairperson has the right to disqualify any entry that does not meet this requirement. Ineligible
    entries include, but are not limited to, animals, plants, glassware and other inanimate objects.
    CACCA may conduct Individual Special Category digitally projected competitions during the year as
    a single Class of competition. Subject matter of entries in each monthly competition is restricted to the
    pre-announced category for that competition.
    Images entered into this division may not have been entered in any previous CACCA competition
    including Interclub, Individual and CACCA Salons.
    Each entrant may submit up to four images into each competition.
    The Special Category shall be the main subject of the entry and shall dominate the picture. The
    Chairperson has the right to disqualify any entry that does not meet this requirement.
    No honors received in this division shall count toward any cumulative awards or End of Year awards.
    Categories for the next competition year shall be posted on the web or in a newsletter.
    Chairpersons have the primary responsibility for the conduct of their competitions except for the actual judging
    of the entries. Their competitions shall be conducted in accordance with the current CACCA Competition Rules
    as they apply to their competition division. It shall be the responsibility of each chairperson to understand the
    CACCA Competition Rules as they apply to their specific division.
    Each chairperson shall assemble a committee and make all arrangements for the location and equipment
    necessary for the competition. Room lights shall be off during the competition.
    Chairpersons shall arrange to have three qualified judges for each competition and shall make an energetic
    effort to prevent having judges from the same camera club more than once during the year. If possible, all
    judges used for CACCA competitions shall be selected from within CACCA Clubs.
    At any competition, no two judges may be from the same camera club and for this purpose, any judge who is
    a regular member of more than one club will be considered as a member of each club.
    No judge may enter the competition he is judging. Judges’ make-ups submitted at a subsequent competition
    shall be eligible for honors. For each competition, the judges shall be informed that their work cannot be
    At the start of each competition, the chairperson shall introduce the judges to the audience and give their club
    affiliation and any background information pertinent to the competition. The chairperson shall review the
    rules of the division and announce the number of entries, in each category or class. The chairperson shall
    announce the number of awards and any other honors to be chosen. The judges shall not preview the entries.
    The audience will be requested to refrain from any comments or creation of any disturbance while the judging
    is in progress.
    Each club and entrant is responsible for the eligibility of their entries in each competition in accordance with
    the current CACCA Competition Rules.
    The competition chairperson may make challenges to any entry before the competition has begun or once the
    image has been scored. Judges and any attending member of a CACCA club may also challenge an entry once
    an image has been scored. The chairperson may request the assistance of the Coordinator of Competitions to
    determine the validity of the challenge. If, during the competition, the Chairperson concludes that an entry is
    ineligible for any reason other than violations of the same/similar rule (see “Eligibility”), that entry will be
    pulled and returned to the maker with an explanation of the reason. In all cases, images should be scored on
    the merit of the image first before disqualification. The maker may submit a make-up entry at the next
    competition. The entrant whose entry is ruled ineligible also may file an appeal in writing to the Chairperson
    not later than 60 days from the date of the challenge.
    If the Chairperson is not able to resolve an eligibility challenge at the competition where the challenge was
    made, scoring and judging will be allowed to continue. The Chairperson will then later refer the matter to the
    CACCA Board for resolution. When the Chairperson is prepared to present a challenge, he or she shall notify
    the president in advance of the next CACCA Board meeting that a ruling on a challenge or appeal will be
    Entries shall first be voted on the basis of points, 4 to 9, by each judge, and shall be grouped by total score.
    After all the entries have been voted upon and the scores recorded, those with the highest scores shall be
    considered for honors. To determine which entries are to be considered for honors, the chairperson shall add
    the number of entries in each score group, from the highest downward, until at least the number needed or
    more is obtained at some score level. The entries from the higher score groups shall be set aside and the
    remaining needed entries shall be selected from the lowest score group.
    Judging for all honors will be by the Standard “IN” and “OUT” voting method. This vote will yield 4
    categories ranging from “three IN” to “zero IN.” The required number of winners will be chosen from these
    categories starting with the highest category and going down to include as many categories as are needed. If
    the lowest of these needed categories must be split, only that category will be re-judged.
    Judges shall continue voting until the chairperson finds the judges unable to arrive at a final decision. The
    chairperson will then request that the judges discuss the remaining entries among themselves until a final
    decision is reached. An extra honor(s) can be added at the discretion of the chairperson.
    Once the required number of entries has been selected, all entries shall be combined for the awarding of honors.
    Approximately one-half of the entries shall receive Awards and the remaining entries shall receive Honorable
    After the Award and Honorable Mention entries have been chosen, an Image of the Month shall be chosen from
    all Awards in all classes judged together. For this round, “three IN” and “two IN” are considered equal. The
    chairperson shall show and announce the title, maker’s name and club affiliation for the Honorable Mention
    entries prior to the judging of the entry of the month.
    After that entry is chosen, the chairperson shall show and announce the same information for the Awards and
    the Entry of the Month.
    Immediately after the last monthly competition, each division Chairperson shall arrange a special judging to
    select the Best of the Year entry. A new panel of judges shall be used for this competition. All awards for the
    year, including the current competition, are eligible and shall be judged together. All regular entries receiving
    24 or more points and not receiving an Award are also eligible for Best of the Year honors. This judging will
    be by “In” and “Out” voting; votes of “two in” and “three in” are considered equal, and the entry is retained.
    Votes of “one in” or “none in” will drop the entry. It is the makers’ responsibility to submit previous eligible
    entries to the division Chairpersons.
    For the Best of the Year Competition, additional awards will be given based on the number of qualified
    images submitted:
    1-19 images- Best of Year only
    20-39 images- Best of Year and 2nd Place over
    40 images- Best of Year, 2nd and 3rd Place
    Award and honorable mention prints shall have the appropriate stickers affixed to the backs of the prints prior
    to their return. Digital award and honorable mention certificates shall be emailed to the club delegate of
    Interclub competitions or to the individual in Individual competitions. A medal will be presented to the maker
    of the Entry of the Month at the next Delegates Meeting.
    The chairperson shall request that club delegates and entrants refrain from picking up or asking for their print
    entries until the chairperson has had an opportunity to sort all entries and prepare them for safe return.
    Jpegs of the winning prints will be submitted to the person in charge of these records on the CACCA web page.
    The print chairperson shall enter all scores for the competition into Competition Assistant. Monthly results
    shall be downloaded from Competition Assistant and sent to the CACCA IO group. Year-end winners and
    standings including a list of the judges shall be furnished to the editor of the year end catalog.