DPI only, 3 categories, Color, Monochrome, Specials Topic
Each member can submit 2 images in each category for each judging. The categories
are Open Color, Open Monochrome and Specials.
If you miss submitting for a competition, you can submit “make-up”
images. Make-ups will not be eligible to win awards like Print Of The
Month. They will be judged separately and awarded points based on
their own merit. Those points get added into your total points for the
Specifications for images are as as follow:
■ Must be a JPG file. The file will be returned to the submitter for
conversion if it isn’t.
■ sRGB is recommended. sRGB – stands for Standard Red Green Blue
and is a color space, or a set of specific colors.
■ Sepia is acceptable in the Monochrome category.
■ Borders: A border around the image is highly recommended but not
mandatory. The border can be black, white, grey or any color you feel
is complimentary. The width of the border must be factored into your
final image dimensions.
■ Dimensions: (maximum, can be less)
● Width: Less than or equal to 1920 pixels
● Height: Less than or equal to 1080 pixels
When resizing, it’s recommended you retain your proportions,
but don’t exceed the larger of the two dimensions on either
edge. For example, you might resize a 3:2 vertical image down to a
height of 1080 pixels, but the proportionate width might only
be 720 pixels. Your width dimensions will be dependent on your image dimension.
● Phil has an Article regarding resizing for DPI on the club
website web page that you can reference. He also offered
one-on-one assistance if you reach out to him directly. The link
to his article is:
Each DPI entry is to be titled with per format below. Titles: can only be 35 characters long
● Sections of the name should be separated by a “~” (called a tilde, as shown
below) not a “-“.
● Open Color – start with A or B
○ A~Photo title~John Doe
○ B~Photo title~John Doe
● Specials – start with C or D
○ C~Photo title~John Doe
○ D~Photo title~John Doe
● Open Mono – start with M or N
○ M~Photo title~John Doe
○ N~Photo title~John Doe
● Make-ups – same as above but with a 1~ or 2~ in front of it
○ 1~A~Photo title~John Doe
○ 2~B~Photo title~John Doe
Prints are classified as either SMALL or LARGE. Maximum of 2 prints in each category is allowed, Small Color, Small Monochrome, Large Color, and Large Monochrome.
• A small print is any print mounted on and not extending beyond the edges of an 11” x
14” board.
• A large print is any print mounted on and not extending beyond the edges of a 16” x 20”
All prints must be identified by affixing a completed Foresters Camera Club label in the upper
left corner on the reverse side of the board. The entrant must record the following information
on the label: name, date, category of entry, and title of the image. Prints may be maker-made
or commercially made.
In addition, a Print Entry Form is to be filled out for each category and submitted with the prints. This form is downloadable under Competition Info. Form can be filled out by hand or on line and then printed.